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brooklyn, ny, United States
a student to the woodworking world sharing my experiences with blogger

Saturday, 4 June 2011

MDF Draw fronts/doors

when i first started working with wood, i wasn't a big fan of MDF (Medium-density fibreboard)
they have always been labeled as cheap or weak material
its true that MDF is just mechanically glued up saw dust
however, all materials have their good side
they are flat!
ideal for doors and draw fronts

allow me to demonstrate they prep of a MDF door

this peace was cut as a draw front

MDF surface is going to be smooth and flat 
which means very little sanding before finish

 as a draw front, the edges need to be sanded 
getting rid of saw marks

a sanding block and 150 grid sandpaper will do
always use sanding block to keep edge straight

i like to use a trimmer to round the edges so they are all uniform

now your MDF piece is shaped and ready to start finishing
1- glue edge with glue and water solution to seal edge
2- sand glue, 150 grid sanding paper 
3- repeat for stronger and less grainy board
4- 2 coats of primer, sanding required between each coat
5- 2 coats of desired color with lacquer, sanding between each coat

MDF displays true color

great medium to draw on

MDF is soft before finish
making it easy to shape
unfinished MDF piece

finished MDF piece

wood is good
even MDF